I opened my eyes. I could see the dark starless sky above and feel the ice-cold water around me. I struggled against the water that was pulling me deeper down. I cried. I wailed. But the chilling darkness swallowed it all. I felt weak and helpless.
A thousand images flashed before my eyes. Birds. Trees.Flowers. Rain. Life.
I surfaced once again and gasped for air one last time. My body was failing me. I was going down. To a watery grave...
And then it was all peaceful. I felt weightless as if a burden had been taken off my shoulders. True that things do weigh lighter in water. My pale cold body undulated with the waves on the surface. The same water against which I was struggling a few minutes back seemed to be quiet and still. And I wasn't being pulled down either. I was on my own floating around in the calm waters. I felt free. Liberated.